Cresotech PocketLANce is a unique application allowing Pocket PC users to
browse and manage LAN resources on their PDA devices. Designed for both
personal and corporate use, PocketLANce opens new horizons for business people, software developers,
mobile professionals or home users: now they can work with their corporate or personal LAN resources
using their Pocket PCs both outside and inside of their offices. This application provides a
unique easy-to-use option of locating, retrieving and moving/copying network files via
conventional ActiveSync connection, network card or even mobile phone/modem.
- Browsing, managing and transferring Windows Network resources from Pocket PC.
- All popular Pocket PC models supported (iPaq, Cassiopeia, Jornada, Symbol, etc.).
- Easy-to-use file operations.
- Similar to Windows desktop PC, all LAN resources are shown as a single tree structure.
- Convenient visual representation of resources.
- Acquiring the detailed information on network resources.
- All file operations performed in a single step.
- Work via standard ActiveSync connection. Network Adapter is not required but recommended.
- Mobile network access from any place using RAS or DUN.
- Integration with standard File Explorer on Pocket PC.
- Different network access rights and security levels are supported.
- Optional peer-to-peer operation mode.
- Available for ARM, MIPS and SH3 CPU's.
- User-friendly interface.
As the name implies, Cresotech PocketLANce is a software for operations with
LAN from a Windows CE device (Pocket PC). Cresotech PocketLANce expands the
functionality of your Pocket PC to that of an actual workstation with an access to the enterprise
Windows network resources. This software installation saves you the trouble of using
ActiveSync each time you want to copy a file to/from PDA device. As far as future
versions appear, Pocket PC users will be able to access their network directly,
bypassing desktop PC. This will help to completely eliminate the gap between Pocket
and Desktop PC applications.
Application of Cresotech PocketLANce needs no additional software
drivers/libraries or hardware. In order to use Cresotech PocketLANce,
you don't even need to have a PC card! On the other hand, PC card will significantly
increase the speed of network connections
resulting in more efficient and comfortable work. PocketLANce also opens far-reaching
possibilities of remote mobile network access via mobile phone or modem using RAS
(Remote Access Service) or DUN (Dial-Up Networking). It allows external users and mobile
professionals to access the local network anytime and anywhere, as if they were locally
connected to the enterprise LAN.
Thus, PocketLANce provides three options of the network access: by a conventional ActiveSync/cradle
connection, by using a network card, and, finally, a wireless access to LAN
via mobile phone or modem using RAS (Remote Access Service) or DUN (Dial-Up Networking).
Let us take a closer look at these three options.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Starting from version 1.05, PocketLANce can work without ActiveSync connection
when using network cards. So, if the network card is installed, placing your Pocket PC into cradle is
no more necessary.
Other efficient way of wireless operation mode is based on the use of
RAS/DUN technology.
I. ActiveSync cradle connection. Each Windows CE-device being equipped
with a cradle and ActiveSync software, all Pocket PC users can apply PocketLANce to browse
their LANs using this option.
II. Network card connection. Network card use significantly increases the
speed of network connections resulting in more efficient and comfortable work. Using PocketLANce
with a network card enables you to move/copy large audio, video or multimedia files from LAN to your
Pocket PC and vice versa in a flash!
III. RAS/DUN connection. This unique feature delivers true mobility to
Pocket PC users! It allows accessing local area network anytime from any place using
mobile phone or modem, provided either RAS or DUN service is installed on the LAN workstation.
IV. Peer-to-Peer connection. Cresotech PocketLANce in Peer-to-Peer mode
enables direct data exchange between two Pocket PC devices without need for network access.
PocketLANce Software Development Kit is a comprehensive function library enabling system integrators and C/C++ developers
to incorporate wireless, landline and local networking capabilities into commercial or custom applications based on the Microsoft Windows-Powered Pocket PC platform.
Click here for more detail.
The combination of new unique features with a classic user-friendly interface proves Cresotech PocketLANce
to be an instrumental must-have for Pocket PC users.
Click here to buy PocketLANce now.
You can download free trial version of PocketLANce here.
Check the SCREENSHOTS! For more detail
check Features and FAQ sections of this site.
Cresotech, Inc. is quite aggressively ploughing the field of wireless mobile solutions and PDA solutions.
We do always welcome new business opportunities and are looking for new sales partners. Just
contact us - we are open to hear any propositions or suggestions.
PocketLANce is the product ideally suitable for distribution together with PDA and accessories to increase the value of such equipment as:
network cards, modems, ethernet cards, com port cards, radio network cards, GSM cards, etc. Hardware manfacturers
interested in discussion of OEM distribution option can contact us here. We will gladly provide
any additional information and possible business options.

(Click to enlarge)
1. Browsing your local network on your Pocket PC with no additional equipment.
2. With PocketLANce, you can access your backoffice network documents, files and resources through mobile
modem connection of Pocket PC.
3. Combining your PocketLANce and Pocket PC with GSM card you are getting a real wireless mobile networking solution.
4. PocketLANce solution through CF port/CF modem: a cost-effective option for accessing your site office
documents from elsewhere.
5. Combined with your network card, PocketLANce browses you through your LAN really swiftly, comfortably and efficiently,
adding more value to your network card.